tpvets_logo.jpg (2726 bytes)TOA PAYOH VETS  

Blk 1002, Toa Payoh Lor 8, 01-1477, Singapore 319074.  Tel: 6254-3326, 9668-6468, 9668-6469.,

Focus: Small animals - dogs, cats, guinea pigs, hamsters, pet rats and mice, birds and turtles      
April 22, 2018

Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for Surgeries. Page 1
KPI for past surgeries - Page 2

Vets at Toa Payoh Vets must be able to interpret clinical findings and resolve the pet owner's problems. To maintain the highest standards of veterinary practice at Toa Payoh Vets, the SOP and KPI of veterinary surgeries are regularly reviewed by Dr Sing Kong Yuen. Some examples in spay and neuter surgeries are shown below:
Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). Health screening and spay for a young female cat
Oct 2011. Keep surgery simple. No need for subcuticular suturing in spays
Singapore Cat spayed by Dr Sing 9 months. Toa Payoh Vets
Aug 2012. SOP & KPI. 21 minutes to spay  a caterwauling cat
Cat spayed during heat. Double ligate uterine and ovarian tissues. Toa Payoh Vets
Aug 2012. Spaying a cat on heat 23 minutes by Dr Sing Kong Yuen
Oct 2012.  KPI. Spaying a ferocious caterwauling cat. 21 minutes by Dr Sing Kong Yuen
Sep 2012. KPI. Spaying a fat dog. 28 minutes by Dr Sing Kong Yuen
Jun 2012.  KPI. Open pyometra surgery in a Chihuahua. 26 minutes by Dr Sing Kong Yuen
Feb 2013. KPI. Spay a Maltese X. on heat. 27 minutes by Dr Sing Kong Yuen
May 2013. KPI. Neuter a normal poodle: 16 minutes by Dr Sing Kong Yuen
Mar 2014. KPI. Spaying a well fed Maine Coon cat. 30 minutes from lst skin incision to skin stitched. By Dr Sing Kong Yuen
June 2015. KPI.  Neuter a cryptorchid dog: 11 minutes by Dr Sing Kong Yuen
Dec 2015. KPI - Dachshund Caesarean section. 33 minutes for 3 puppies. Dr Sing Kong Yuen
Jan 2016.  KPI - French Bulldog Caesarean section. 47 minutes for 7 puppies. Dr Sing Kong Yuen
Oct 2012. Exploratory laparotomy and removal of >10 bladder stones in a female Schnauzer. 58 minutes by Dr Sing Kong Yuen
Oct 2012. KPI. Removal of a golf-ball sized lump from the cheek of a Golden Retriever. 57 minutes by Dr Sing Kong Yuen
Mar 2013. KPI script for interns (no video yet). KPI was introduced by Dr Sing Kong Yuen in 2010. 30 minutes to remove 1 bladder stone from a female poodle
Aug 2013. KPI. 46 minutes to remove 4 bladder stones from a Westie. Dr Sing Kong Yuen
Oct 2015. KPI - Yorkshire dew claw removal x 4. 11 minutes for 4 dew claw removal. Dr Sing Kong Yuen

KPIs for past surgeries - Page 2

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