Blk 1002, Toa Payoh Lor 8, 01-1477, Singapore 319074Tel: +65 6254-3326, 9668-6468,,
Focus: Small animals -dogs, cats, guinea pigs, hamsters, pet rats and mice, birds and turtles      
August 03, 2020

Video: Hamster tumour
cases seen in Toa Payoh
Vets &1 hamster tumour surgery
Video: A gigantic hamster tumour- surgery at Toa Payoh Vets
Video 1: A roborovski
carries a heavy shoulder burden
Video 2: A roborovski's anaesthesia & surgery
Video 4: A roborovski's anaesthesia & surgery Video 5:  A roborovski wakes up after surgery
Video 7: A roborovski is active on Day 2 Video: Eye enucleation in a dwarf hamster - surgery at Toa Payoh Vets
dwarf hamster abdominal tumour  Toa Payoh Vets  
A hamster's big "belly"  
 A dwarf hamster has
a hunched back and fits
"You ask me to collect urine from a dwarf hamster for urinalysis!"
dwarf hamster keeps nibbling elbows and hocks, toapayohvets, singapore Dwarf hamster 3 years old. Euthanasia to stop suffering? Toa Payoh Vets
The dwarf hamster has four itchy joints. Hamster case studies - 2003 - 2009
Not a corneal ulcer. The white deposit is inside the cornea. Dwarf Hamster. Toa Payoh Vets dwarf hamster keeps nibbling elbows and hocks, toapayohvets, singapore
Corneal deposits How to write a video script
Hamster.Itchiness and pain. Ventral dermatitis, Gas anaesthesia for detailed examination. Singapore. Toa Payoh Vets Generalised Ringworm. Syrian Hamster. Coat clipped very short. Treated at Toa Ppayoh Vets
Ventral dermatitis. A very itchy hamster belly. Ringworm in a hamster
Puncture wounds in a Roborovski and Hamster warts Ear gangrene & nose abscesses. Generalised ringworm
Dwarf hamster. Roboroskvi. Bitten by male. Toa Payoh Vets dwarf hamster, dandruff, scales, skin ulcers, infections, cellulitis, toapayohvets, singapore
3 stories - Dog, Hamster & Man Skin diseases & infections in the hamster and dog
Abscesses in dwarf  hamster on lower part of the body would be due to friction with the small exercise wheel and subsequent bacterial infection
3899. Video 3: A roborovski's anaesthesia & surgery 3902. Video 6: A roborovski is anaesthesized & operated
Be kind to dwarf hamsters. Don't wait till tumour becomes large to ask your vet to excise it. Toa Payoh Vets Haematoma in a dwarf hamster - Toa Payoh Vets
Hamster anaesthesia at Toa Payoh Vets Anaesthetic risks
Dwarf Hamster, Male, 2 months. Neuter to keep female company, without breeding. Toa Payoh Vets three dwarf hamster warts electro-surgical removal, bleeding
Neutering a 2-month-old hamster at Toa Payoh Vets Do You Love Your Hamster, Warts And All?
Singapore Dwarf hamster. Irritating skin wound for one month. Toa Payoh Vets. Inflamed area and pus above the cyst area 7 days after cyst excision, dwarf hamster, toapayohvets, singapore
Can the Vet Give What the Customer Wants? Seven days after gigantic cyst excision.
over-powering bad decaying smell, dwarf hamster, right ear, toapayohvets singapore  
Four operations for a  rotten-stinky smelly right ear  
cyst and abscesses dwarf hamster female 1 year toapayohvets singapore Spring time in Araluen Botanic Park, in 2010, Australia. Toa Payoh Vets
The dwarf hamster has a gigantic cyst Unacceptable veterinary advices for a hamster owner
A large -ear wart electro-excised Ear gangrene & nose abscesses. Generalised ringworm
Ear warts irritate the hamster
dwarf hamster, 2 years, small leg pimple to huge bony tumour in 4 weeks, amputation,toapayohvets
over-powering bad decaying smell, dwarf hamster, right ear, toapayohvets singapore Follow up: My 3 dwarf hamsters post-operation - ear canal ablation, leg tumour amputation, breast tumours excision
Nose abscess.
2008 and 2012 case studies
Nose abscess.
Nov 2002 & Nov 2012 case studies
roboroskvi hamster scent gland bite wound infection toapayohvets singapore Hamster 1.5 years old. Eyelid abscesses 3rd recurrence. Why? Toa Payoh Vets
The roboroskvi hamster has a big backside swelling The hamster has large swollen eyelids
syrian hamster, bite wound, rotten smell. toapayohvets, singapore Dwarf Hamster, 10 months. Swollen upper lip. Abscessation. Toa Payoh Vets
A rotting-flesh smell from a Syrian Hamster Abscesses in the upper lip
The dwarf hamster had a big swollen eye with pus Corynebacterium in a dwarf hamster?
Dwarf Hamster, 2 years, Cheek Pouch Right, Everted, Tumours, Abscesses. Toa Payoh Vets Hamster. Impacted cheek pouch. Ingrowing upper front teeth. Singapore. Toa Payoh Vets
Three hamster cases. Paw wart, Armpit abscess and cheek pouch cases Once bitten, twice shy. Cheek pouch impaction
everted left cheek pouch, dwarf hamster, singapore, toapayohvets
The young lady's dwarf hamster has a pink mass dangling from the mouth
Video:  Impacted cheek pouch
Mar 2014. Video: Cheek area is bald and
inflamed 1/4

Mar 2014 Video: Cheek pouch area is bald 2/4
Mar 2014 Video: Impacted cheek pouch is bald 3/4 Mar 2014 Video. Seeds from the cheek pouch 4/4
Dwarf Hamster, 1.5 years. Cheek pouch tumour and abscess. Toa Payoh Vets  
Cheek pouch tumour or abscess  
Oct 2014. Final Video: Impacted left cheek pouch now Feb 2015 Video. Everted cheek pouch diagnosed by googling "balloon swelling in hamster"
syrian eye injured prolapsed luxated fight with other hamster enucleation toa payoh vets singapore syrian eye injured prolapsed luxated fight with other hamster enucleation toa payoh vets singapore
Syrian hamster's eye enucleation surgery. Video: Eye enucleation in a dwarf hamster  
Apr 2015 Video: How to prevent recurring eyelid abscess in a dwarf hamster Feb 2014 Video: Right eyeball popped out
Video: Eye enucleation in a dwarf hamster - surgery at Toa Payoh Vets  
roborovoski dwarf hamster. A vet  diagnosed "bruised". very fast-growing tumour. Toa Payoh Vets
Engaging The Younger Generation Mar 2014 Video: Ear warts and eyelid abscess
Update of 2008 cases  
dwarf hamster, 2 years, small leg pimple to huge bony tumour in 4 weeks, amputation,toapayohvets
An aggressive tumour The amputated hamster has an itchy left ear. Is it an ear tumour?
two massive subcutaneous tumours chest syrian hamster anaesthesia toapayohvets singapore
Ear Tumour Engaging The Younger Generation
Try not to amputate the hand. A dwarf hamster has a gigantic hand tumour

Hamster Cases - Page 1
Hamster Cases - Page 2
Hamster Cases - Page 3 (this webpage)
Toa  Payoh Vets